Chapter 4 of 2018

Season 2 of 13 Reasons Why just came out. I really couldn't wait to (binge) watch it as soon as i finish my test on Friday. I watched the first season last year & i absolutely loved it, i think the show conveys a pretty important & good message. I feel so bad for Hannah because of all the things she went through, alone, & all of that lead to her suicide. Not that i think her suicide is a wise decision, but i wished people were nicer to her.

Always be nice to everyone. You don't know what they are going through. Kindness is free.

May is coming to an end, meaning i'm late once again for my monthly post. April has been a really wonderful month, just like March. It started off with National Dental Intervarsity Games (NDIVG). I took part in the volleyball competition, representing MAHSA. We didn't manage to win anything but it was a fantastic experience and we can't wait to play again next year.

loved our jersey so much!!

oh a throwback from training at UM a week before the real game

photo by the lovely Najwa <3

vb fam! 

matching braids & matching tudungs <3 

this was what we had for lunch.
we just opened all the covers ate straight out of the container.
after finishing our food we saw people opening the plastic for the rice
& pouring everything from the containers in the rice.
Not sure if you know what i meant hahaha but now i know how to eat the proper way la, next time next time. 

After NDIVG, I went straight to Medical Annual Dinner (M.A.D.). It was at Ritz Carlton. It was pretty okay la, i did enjoy myself, but, no offence, our dental annual dinner did better :P

for some reason this is actually my fav photo hahahahahaa

did nothing to my hair because i don't know how to & i don't have the time to.
did my makeup by myself because none of my friends were available at the moment lol
beautiful dress from Kamand <3

found this beautiful photo spot for photos with the girls.
 then Irene's mom called hahahaaa

I didn't like the food i ended up giving most of what i took to the person next to me lol
i really liked the name card so i took it home hehs <3  

Then we had Microbiology test. We have less tests this year, meaning each test carries a higher percentage so i made sure i study as much as i could for each test, which explains why i was so busy studying la.

Following weekend was EUPHORIA 4.0, a carnival organized by Dental Student Society (DSS) yearly. It was a really successful carnival, we were so glad all our hard work got paid off.

the watermelon juice is the bomb

i didn't even know gp's behind me lol

highlighter on fleek? no it's probably just sweat/ oil haha 

one with the beauty with beautiful voiceeeee <3 

this girl made me take so many photos with her (we took a lot, no joke)
 i pretended to complain but i was actually enjoying it lolol lylt!! 

another photobomb i wasn't aware of haha there's our class rep! 

Elliot said that's the "kathryna pose" lol i don't do thattttt

super glad this one came because it wouldn't have been so fun without her! 

one more with this cutiepie! 

Jess also got back from UK. We went to Pavillion (lol our annual routine). We met up for lunch, i finally got to try The Fish Bowl. I freaking love it!! 

looking at it now really makes me wanna have one la

matching black slippers haha
we took a similar picture last year at the same spot! 
omg just realised we got matching white shoes here haha

wanted to try out the famous cheesecake at Lot 10 but the queue was too long
 so we ended up having chinese desserts instead hahaha

Not your typical dessert eh?


I served in our cell group for the first time in the worship team. I played the guitar. It was my first time playing guitar with actual "audience" lol. But i was really glad for the opportunity to serve God.


I also watched Infinity War. I think i've only watched one or two Marvel movies lol so there's a lot of "history" that i don't know about but i still enjoyed the movie la. It was the most....responsive cinema experience i've experienced haha. You can really feel the entire cinema paying full attention to the movie, cheering at certain scenes together (like when Captain America appeared), & being shocked together (like when Loki died). It was so interesting! :)


We also celebrated Vivian's birthday at K Fry, IOI City Mall. Been craving for K Fry for a while but it's always full house & there's always a queue, we called to reserve seats in advance for the celebration so yay K Fry for me!

super love this ugly shot haha

& out final surprise in her room <3 

April ended with our mid sem break, i really couldn't ask for a better ending.

That's a really long post with a lot of photos. April has really been great, i'm so grateful <3  I hope you enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it. I can't wait to blog again!


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