Day 6 of FMCO- What I REALLY Miss gym. 

I was finally going to gym super regularly with an actual workout schedule and a really awesome workout buddy (shout out to you Claire, not like you're ever gonna read this but yeah, i appreciate you!). I've been hitting the gym really consistently for like 3 months ish? then now i haven't been to gym at all for over a month. I only have a pair 5kg dumbbells, again, courtesy of Claire, to work with & it's not really sufficient. I miss the gym. 

On a side note, damn it, it's only day 6 of 14 (maybe or maybe not) of FMCO? felt like it's been forever already. Jeez. 

Only highlight of the week- i really burnt a gigantic hole in my pocket on 6.6 sales (today). This is my idea of "saving money".

Okay, im sorry if i sound very whiny. You can leave now. I'm leaving now too. Bye. 

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