KOREA PART III ft. Jeju Folk Village

Okay, so this was still day 2, after lunch, as mentioned in the previous post, we visited Jeju Folk Village. We got to relive one of Korea's most notable historic drama "Daeganggeum" amidst the picturesquare folk village which has been restored to its late 17th century beauty & form. There's tons of sight seeing to do at Jeju Folk Village, fortunately the weather was lovely too so we had quite a pleasant time there. 

there's even real life horses there for you to ride and feed, if you pay for it la haha
 here's one i captured!

they were so cute, i just had to! 

this was what we just had for lunch lolol 

i tot this was a cute pic but i was told that i look like i was about to take a shit :(

we found a maze

not sure if this is a sakura tree of not but it's really pretty like a sakura tree!
i'm sure it's beautiful during spring time! 

Due to time constrain (cons of following a tour!! :/) we didn't manage to explore the entire Jeju Folk Village. Our next destination was the Daheeyeon Garden, which is a major tea farm in Jeju Island. We went to the Daheeyeon Cave Cafe first. I totally forgotten to take photos of it but the cafe was really unique, as the name suggest, it is inside a cave, giving the cafe a really interesting atmosphere. My sisters & I got green tea ice cream while my parents got some hot beverages. I find the green tea ice cream pretty nice, but not to say super duper good la. I get to take as much pictures as i want with the ice cream without fearing that it may melt because the weather was cold enough to keep it from melting too quickly haha! However the photos didn't turn out well la cause the lighting was quite poor. After that we went for an organic foot bath which felt amazing. I'm not sure why i don't have photos of it, but i really enjoyed it, i mean who wouldn't enjoy a warm & relaxing foot bath after all the walking? For some reason idk i don't remember stopping by any tea farm or seeing any tea plantation lol but we did get some of their merchandise from the souvenir shop before we leave la. so that's about it. 

Last destination of the day was Yeon Dong shopping streets. I don't think there's any shopping streets that i know of in Malaysia, shopping malls yes, tons of them, but streets, no. But shopping streets seem to be a thing in Korea (& other places too probably) It's basically like a shopping mall, on streets haha what a dumb explanation. We didn't really buy anything here as we were told to shop in Seoul for better options so we just window shopped hehs. 

After that, we had dinner. Dinner spread was amazing. I feel like it's super luxurious because we don't usually eat like this.

Raw slices of some fish which name i can't recall but it was good.
My sisters threw them in the hot pot because they do not fancy raw food. 

this corn was surprisingly really yummy!

fried potato? i can't remember lol the pic is out of focus somemore lol

we had tons of seafood & fishes that night, this was one of my fav. 

the food just kept coming until we had no empty space left on the table. Probably the most food i've ever had on the table, sadly we couldnt finish everything la (another cons about tour, food wastage :/) 

Til the next post!


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